
  • Date: Sat 3rd February 2024
  • Doors Open: 7:00 pm
  • Supported By: Penny Moon + Josie Beth
  • On Sale: Tickets Open

Amsterdam-Antwerp indie rock formation Loupe has the unique gift of sounding both impulsive and hypnotic: a fluid sound in which styles such as synth pop, alternative folk and indie rock are expressed through their unique chemistry. The smooth, aerodynamic grooves of Annemarie, the melodic bass lines of Lana and the dynamic, virtuoso playing of Abel form a kind of secret language. The recent addition of singer Nina Ouattara gives Loupe a unique voice to push the band towards a new creative path; the new single Tested Waters, to be released in January 2024, sounds both effortlessly groovy and intricate at the same time, and combines dark, moody lyrics with memorable sing-along hooks.

The band’s debut album – Do You Ever Wonder What Comes Next? (Excelsior and Sinnbus) – was praised by the press and critics. Songs like I Keep Changing, Vortex and Holding Me Too Tight are full of subtle twists and turns that address some of life’s bigger coming-of-age dilemmas. Do You Ever Wonder What Comes Next? was recorded with producer Arne van Petegem (Moss, Styrofoam) and mixed by Beau Sorenson (Death Cab For Cutie, Sparklehorse).

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