
Meet ‘Em – Van Houten

Ethereal lo-fi rockers Van Houten are bringing their shoegaze inspired sound to The Bodega on the 5th April, so we got to know ’em!

Welcome to The Bodega, Van Houten, how are we feeling ahead of the show?

We’re really excited ! It’s our first time playing in Notts and Bodega is such a well regarded venue that we can’t wait to play.

What goes into tour preparation for you guys?

Just locking ourselves away at our practice space in Leeds going over the album and the odd oldie. We’ll be throwing in a couple new ones too that we’ve been working on so looking forward to playing them live for first time.

The reaction to your latest single ‘Coming Of Age’ has been huge, with backing from the likes of KEXP, So Young Magazine and 6Music. What can you tell us about how this track came into fruition? 

Yeah the response has been great! Been sitting on these songs for a while so it feels great to finally start getting them out there. Coming of Age was probably one of the earlier tunes we wrote. It sets the theme for the rest of the record really as it’s about gaining perspective, growing, and moving forwards. Overcoming fear and anxiety, and getting to a place where you realize you aren’t as lost or alone as you once thought. 

There was a two year break between releases prior to ‘Coming Of Age’, was that time used to hone your sound or test out material in a live setting?

Bit of both really. A lot of the experiences we had in that gap between releases directly influenced the record both sonically and lyrically. The gap allowed us the time to fully focus on new songs and think about how we wanted the songs to sound.

You’ve said that the basis of your band is founded on lifelong friendship, do you find this allows you to gel together as musicians a little easier?

I think it means we know how each thinks musically, which makes working on new songs feel pretty easy and also we be honest with each other instead of shying away when something needs to be said. 

There’s a big shoegaze influence within your music, is this something you like to draw from and are there any other poignant influences that you like to incorporate into your tunes?

We like to draw from whatever we’re all listening to at the time. With there being 6 of us, it means we bring a wide range of styles and influences to the writing of the songs. The stuff we’re listening to at the moment includes Duster, Telstar Drugs and Sparklehorse so those influences will probably make their way into future songs.

Good luck with the tour, we’re buzzing for the show! Lastly, if budget wasn’t an issue, what would your dream rider be?

Unlimited amounts of Sainsburys Rotisserie chickens fresh out oven

Van Houten join us on the 5th April. Tickets on sale now.





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