
Meet ‘Em – Gitkin

On the 25th September we’ve got cinematic, guitar-driven mastermind Gitkin joining us on Pelham St so we sat down to get to know him a little better!

We’re really excited to welcome Gitkin to The Bodega, how are you feeling ahead of the show?

Thank you! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to bring this music across the pond.

You move through a multitude of genres within your music, where do you draw inspiration from when working on new material?

I am sure this sounds generic but I get inspiration from listening and being a fan of music. I dig into some dusty corners of music made in the 70’s.

How has the reaction been to your latest release ‘Nowhere To Go But Everywhere’?

Well I haven’t gotten any hate mail yet so that’s a good sign.

Recording that album saw the use of a number of old school recording techniques including vintage mics and the use of tape. What can you tell us about that process?

Yeah I do a lot with my 8 track reel to reel machine. It’s a different mindset. You have to learn the parts before you record them and execute a performance. That has a vibe to it. Also the sound of tape and old school ribbon mics is pleasing to the ear.

Your music has been described as ‘cinematic’, do you find that writing in a more instrumental way can lead to more inspiration and ideas?

Most of my life prior to Gitkin I wrote songs with lyrics. I started the instrumental thing almost by accident but I’ve completely fallin’ in love with it. It involves the listener in a different way. It’s like the difference between a movie and a book. Reading a book the picture is painted in your mind. It activates the imagination. Instrumental music is similar. The listener creates the narrative in the imagination.

We can’t wait to have you here so before you go, if budget wasn’t a question, what would be your dream rider?

Haaaaa! Well, for sure it would have a juicer with an array of organic fruits and vegetables. Something top shelf to sip on and some good chocolate.

See y’all soon!

Gitkin joins us here at The Bodega on the 25th September, tickets available here.





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