
Create your own Bodega cocktail: Mojito

Bring a taste of The Bodega garden to yours this week, with our tasy Mojito recipe!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 50ml Bacardi
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 3 limes
  • Tea spoon of granulated sugar
  • Soda water
  • Ice (cubed or crushed)

Start by pouring 50ml of Bacardi into a tall glass, followed by the juice of one lime. Next, push mint leaves into the glass (we use around 8/9 leaves for this) and crush the leaves as you go – this can be done with the end of a rolling pin.

Cut another lime into wedges and place 6 of them into the glass. Add a tea spoon of granulated sugar to get it tasting nice and sweet too.

Muddle all of this together using a long-handled spoon and add a healthy dose of crushed ice (or ice cubes work just as well too). Fill the glass to the brim with soda water and top with a sprig of mint to make it look extra good for your Instagram story. Best enjoyed in the garden, alongside a BBQ.

Tag us in your creations @bodeganotts





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