
Corella Interview

Catapulting themselves with catchy hooks and ear-worm riffs, Lancashire’s Corella sat down with Team Bod ahead of their Notts show on 13th September.

Mornin Corella! Take us away from Notts, where are we reaching you and what are all 4 members doing right this second?

We are currently just finishing up our last practice before the tour. We’ve been itching to play a headline run for a while now so we’re all super pumped to get in the van and play these shows!

Your new EP ‘Today, Tomorrow, Whenever’ is due imminently. Where and when did the process for that begin?

The writing process began pretty much at the start of lockdown in March 2020. We were very fortunate to all live together during this time so we put all our time and energy into writing. We also started a weekly live stream dubbed ‘Club Corella’. It was a super fun time for us to be creative and to connect with our fans online.

You’ve got tunes made for festival season and you’ve been busy all Summer. How has it been getting out in the fields?

It is literally the best feeling in the world. We love a good festival and the obvious highlight would be our first appearance at Reading & Leeds Festival. We expected about 30 people to show up and the crowds just blew our expectations away, masses of people singing our tunes back to us has really got us ramped up for the tour.

Speaking of which, we’re a few days on from Reading & Leeds now. Recovered yet?

Physically yes – emotionally, not quite. We were on such a high after both sets it’s taken a while to come back down to earth. We all had to go back to work the day after and it really hit home how much we want to quit our day jobs to pursue this dream. We are hungry for more and we’re not stopping here!

Corella play The Bodega on 13th September with support from Celestines & George Gretton. Tickets are on sale now.





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