
Meet ‘Em – Acres

Mighty South Coast rockers Acres released their second LP ‘Burning Throne’ earlier in the year – a crushing and cathartic release with some of the band’s heaviest, melodic and most poignant material to date. Before they join us this month, we caught up with the band themselves…

Hey guys, how are you feeling ahead of your show here at The Bodega?

Hey Bodega! Yeah, we’re super excited. It’s great to be back playing in the UK and playing these new songs.

Earlier this year you released your stunning sophomore album ‘Burning Throne’. What was the writing process like for that cut and how has the reaction been so far this year?

It was a little different than anything we’ve done before; we wrote pretty much all of it over Zoom and remotely over the internet so it was interesting for sure! The reaction has been great. I’ve always said I feel there’s something for everyone on this record – old Acres fans have been enjoying it as well as new people just discovering our band.

This release came four years after you released your critically acclaimed debut album ‘Lonely World’, how much did the pandemic play a part in this and what was it like to take a step back from recording for a while?

It played a huge part. We were halfway through our touring cycle with Lonely World when the pandemic hit, so it was gutting putting so much work into a record and then the world shutting down, but it also gave us a bunch of inspiration for Burning Throne. We learnt a bunch about recording too, as we had to demo and track everything ourselves at home.

Coming from Portsmouth, what was the local scene like for you growing up and how did that influence the music you create today?

Portsmouth used to have a great scene. Venues like the Wedgewood Rooms, The Pyramids and The Joiners in Southampton had incredible bands coming through all the time. The local scene was pretty healthy too. It was pretty easy to get shows as there were always DIY gigs happening though I wouldn’t say the scene influenced Acres. Honestly, we tried our hardest to not sound like the bands coming out of the South Coast. At the time it was bands like Bury Tomorrow and Desolated.

In the new year you’re joining Holding Absence on the US and Canada leg of their tour, is it a different experience playing to crowds oversees and how does it compare to touring in the UK?

Yeah, we are super excited to be doing the tour with them! We’ve never played in the States so were excited to see the reaction for the first time.

Lastly if there was no budget, what would your dream rider be?

Hmmm that’s tough. Loads of beer and all you can eat lasagna and garlic bread!

Acres join us at The Bodega on 16th October. Tickets are on sale now.

Interview by Fin Heighton-Jupp.





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